(Uppdaterat inlägg – läs konsertrapporten från Göteborgs Konserthus här)
Så lyder en av textraderna i Dont´eat that yellow snow, inledningsspåret på Frank Zappas album Apostrophe (') från 1974.
Men tvärtom gäller i afton när Dweezil med band på Konserthuset i Göteborg framför detta album i sin helhet.
Och om nu inte the deadly yellow snow crystals deprives me of my sight så kommer jag att vara där. Det ryktas om att vi som extranummer kommer att undfägnas The Muffin Man!
Great googly moogly!
Några rapporter från turnéns inledning
jazzrockfusionfanRA 19 September 2010: Baltimore, MD
Dweezil knocked out some great "gah-tahr" lines and the rhythm section was outstanding, in fact everybody was outstanding. …one of the most original and creative Americans that has ever lived.
such a great fan 11 November 2010: Oslo, NO
Cruising for burgers, RDNZL, Titties and beer, Inca Roads. Come on! It was almost as if somebody had read somebody's mind. Regarding Inca Roads, that song is a separate musical genre in itself. I will never stop listening to that song./…/ Looking around me during the video sequences, I could see a lot of old and young people in deep admiration of his guitar playing and stage presence. On these video's in particular, you could really see how cool he looked, how much control he had and at the same time how vivid and fun his playing was./…/ Walking out of the venue and back home in the snow, I was still so paralyzed by the music that I didn't even realize that I was soaking wet to my bones. /…/ somewhat beside the point: I was in a job interview once and was asked about my general interests. My answer was "Zappa". I could see that my potential employer was writing "Sappa" in his notebook. Upon which I said: "Sorry, I don't think that I'm the right guy for this job" and walked away. True story.
jessica - 09 November 2010: Hengelo, NL
3hrd time I have seen them and it was GREAT!! Seeing Frank on the screen accually made me cry (can't help it,just love the man)
Did enjoy the Hengelo gig very much. It was moving to see Dweezil look up at his Dad, playing a solo on the screen. All in sync, what timing, brilliant!
Mr Creosote 08 November 2010: Paris, FR
A truly amazing show at an incredible venue. Having seen ZPZ at the Roundhouse on Saturday, I was expecting a great evening and I wasn't disappointed - Dweezil and the band really gave it everything! /…/Uncle Remus, for me, was just magical (and the Cosmik Debris footage with Frank was a crowd pleaser). The pre-interval closing track was an incredible rendition of Inca Roads, where the VT of Frank's solo was absolutely mesmerising./…/The inevitable encore was breathtaking: Baby Snakes, Chrissy Puked Twice (Titties N Beer) and rounded off by Muffin Man.