
Kvinnodagen med Nina

Vi firar internationella kvinnodagen tillsammans med Nina Hagen. I denna konsert från Rockpalatz 1978 är hon grymt bra. Allt funkar. Bandet är supertajt, låtmaterialet starkt (texterna inte minst) och scennärvaron total.

Ineffably Female (Unbeschreiblich Weiblich)

I was pregnant
I felt like puke
I didn't want to have it, no question about it

I ate pills
and anyway, man
I'm not going to have no kids.

No, no, no
Why should I fulfill my duty as a woman?
For who?
For them?
For you?
For me?
I don't feel like fulfilling my duty
Not for you
For for me
I have no duty

when it was over
I felt like puke
Now it's finally the time to revolt
I ate pills
and anyway, man
I'm not going to have no kids.

No, no, no
Why should I fulfill my duty as a woman?
For who?
For them?
For you?
For me?
I don't feel like fulfilling duty
Not for you
For for me
I have no duty

Marlene had another plan
Simone Beauvoir said: God Forbid!
And before the first baby's cry
I must free myself first

And right now I feel
Indescribably female

Why should I fulfill my duty as a woman?
For who?
For them?
For you?
For me?
I don't feel like fulfilling duty
Not for you
For for me
I have no duty

Marlene had another plan
Simone Beauvoir said: God Forbid!
and before the first baby's cry
I must free myself first

And right now I feel
Indescribably female